I tried to use as many abbreviations as possible. Post scores to comments. Enjoy!
1) Power Clean max
2) Using 90% of 1, AMRAP in 8 minutes
3) Karen
4) AMRAP Ring dips in 5 min, start with one amrap set, record that score as well
1) AD 3 min @ 100%
Rest 10 min
Thurs: (During Comp class)
1) Back Squat max
2) Using 85% of 1, one AMRAP set at 30x0 tempo
3) Find close grip bench press max
4) Using 1/3 BW in each hand, 1 AMRAP set per leg of split squat with rear foot elevated
5) Using 10% of 3 in one hand, AMRAP set per arm of: the three shoulder tests
10 rounds:
10 toes to bar
10 HR push-ups
Sat (during comp class):
Snatch ladder
10min AMRAP
25 snatches 45
25 snatches 70
25 snatches 95
25 snatches 110
(all power or squat)