Find 1rm Bench press
EMOM 20:00
evens 10 burpees
odds :30 row
Power snatch+snatch grip pushpress, snatch balance work to a heavy single
EMOM 20:00
evens 3 TnG squat snatch 105-145
odds 3 muscleups or 5 CTB pullups
CrossFit NOLA 504 |
Find 1rm Bench press EMOM 20:00 evens 10 burpees odds :30 row Saturday Power snatch+snatch grip pushpress, snatch balance work to a heavy single EMOM 20:00 evens 3 TnG squat snatch 105-145 odds 3 muscleups or 5 CTB pullups
6x1 1 clean pull from knee + 1 clean
10:00 to work to a heavy clean 20:00 EMOM Evens 5 Deadlifts 275-315 m 185-225 Odds 3 Hard HSPU Saturday 9:00 AM WOD
6x1 High hang clean to thruster 10:00 to establish a 1rm thruster EMOM 20:00 5 Thrusters @ 135-155 men, 95-105 women evens 5 burpee pullups aprox. 8"-10" above standing reach Regular Competition Class will begin again today Thursday April 11 5:30 at Mid City
This Saturday's Class will be moved to 9 am to accommodate the group WOD at 10:00 and the WLC finals at 11:00 Thursday's WOD 6x1 Snatch warmup w/ pause at the knee working up to a heavy single less than 80% of 1rm 10:00 to find 1RM snatch EMOM 20:00 Evens 3 TnG power snatches 135-155 men 75-105 ladies Odds 20-40 Double unders |
Authors: Brandon Ecker