Today's Wod
10:00 EMOtM
3 ring muscle ups evens
3 bar muscle ups odds
7:00 AMRAP
15 30#wall balls
15 GHD situps
Rest 10:00
50 Ring Dips for time (kipping allowe
CrossFit NOLA 504 |
Nice job everybody on the WOD today. As we approach the 2013 CrossFit Open, we will work to build aerobic capacity, muscular endurance, power endurance, and basically pain tolerance. You can continue your strength and Oly technique work at the Powerlifting and Weightlifting classes. Take a look at the past year's Open and identify the movements that you see that give you trouble. Also check, if a movement appears frequently on the main page there is a chance you'll see it in the open i.e. double unders, ctb pullups, wall balls, muscle ups.
Today's Wod 10:00 EMOtM 3 ring muscle ups evens 3 bar muscle ups odds 7:00 AMRAP 15 30#wall balls 15 GHD situps Rest 10:00 50 Ring Dips for time (kipping allowe
EMOTM 10:00 4-7 CTB Pull up ( Use a band if you need one to get 4 per minute
15:00 9 Dead Lifts 12 Hand Release Pushups 15 Box jumps That is the standards video from 2011 take a look at it before class. AM
EMOtM 20:00 Even 5 Strict HSPU Odd 5 Strict Pullups PM Clean complexes Heavy Clean and push press Work to a heavy set of three front squat then -15% AM
EMOtM 20:"00 Even 25' Hand Stand Walk Odd 5 Toes to bar PM 4 Min max burpee box jumps 20" Rest 2:00 4 Min AMRAP 20 Steps #95 OH walking lunge 10 Hips to rings Rest 2:00 2 Min max burpees 6" open target Rest 3 Hours 4 x 500m Row intervals Rest 2:00 between intervals hold 2-3 seconds faster than best 5k ex. if you have a 7:00 5k row, your intervals should be 1:42-1:43 10:00 to find a max thruster off the ground
100s! 100 of each movement Pullups KB Swings Double Unders OHS 95/65 25:00 time cap AM
EMOtM 20:00 Odd 3 muscle ups Even 6 pistols 3/leg PM Snatch position work Snatch Snatch Pulls HBBS build to a 3 rep max then drop 15% 3-3-3 fast We will start back this Saturday with the competitor's class. Here's the WOD.
Max HSPU Men-Strict Women-Kipping is allowed Max Unbroken Double Unders 2 attempts, you can mulligan once if less than 10 Max Weight Strict Pullup No Kipping 11.4 10 AMRAP 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Overhead Squats 120/90 10 Muscle Ups Due to WOD War I we will cancel the competitors class Saturday. If yall haven't signed up, you have until tomorrow!
Also, I will go back to posting daily training on Monday Dec. 17th. Start thinking about the CrossFit Open, it kicks off March 6. S What movements that have appeared in the previous Opens give you trouble? What time domains do you struggle with? What types of WODs (cardio, heavy, gymnastics, AMRAPs) have you been cherry picking around? |
Authors: Brandon Ecker