Oly class + 8 min amrap of #275 deadlift and bar facing burpee 3,6,9,12,...
if you can't make oly class then do: Power clean; 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min (TnG) + the 8 min amrap
A1. HSPU; amrap unbroken x6; rest 1 min
A2. Amrap (-1) CTB chin ups unbroken x6; rest 2 min
airdyne 30 sec @85%
airdyne 30 sec @50%
sub row or run for the airdyne if you can't get to one
A. Snatch balance 5x5; rest 2 min
For time: 50-40-30-20-10
Unbroken wall balls
unbroken double unders (max 3 attempts here)
oly class +
10 TnG power snatch 105#/75#
Airdyne 20 seconds @100%
rest 3 min
(sub jump squats with an empty barbell for airdyne sprints)
if you can't make oly class then do
A. Hang squat clean; build to a 3rm
B. Front squat; 4-6x5; rest 2 min
10 TnG power snatch 105#/75#
Airdyne 20 seconds @100% rest 3 min x6
A. 30 muscle ups for time
B. 30 strict hspu for time
7-->1 CTB chin ups Ring dips