Nice job on the events at WOD wars. I saw some pretty good row times and some great numbers on the thrusters. I hope you guys had a good time.
Power-lifting Class
build to a max thruster (skip this step if time is an issue, unless you didn't get a max Saturday)
amrap thrusters in 6:00 @ 135, no scaling!
deadlift 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rest 3:00
go heavy but keep an absolute straight back and good technique (TnG)
build to a max thruster (skip this step if time is an issue, unless you didn't get a max Saturday
amrap thrusters in 6:00 @ 135, no scaling!
A1. weighted dips 2-4 x 6 rest 2:00
A2. weighted strict CHEST TO BAR pullup clusters x 6 rest :15 between reps and 2:00 before going back to dips
Row for time
A. back squat clusters 3.3.3 x4 rest :20 between reps and 3:00 between sets
-go heavy, but no failed reps! these do not have to be eyes popping out of your head squats
(do not go super light on back squats to conserve for the wod)
rest @least 12:00 minutes before starting Karen from the last set of back squats, spend 5-6 of those minutes on the foam roller
A1. mixed grip weighted chin ups 2-3 x4 rest :20 (2 sec negative 1 sec pause at the bottom
A2. 10 CHEST TO BAR pullups x 4 rest 3:00
Power-lifting Class
build to a max thruster (skip this step if time is an issue, unless you didn't get a max Saturday)
amrap thrusters in 6:00 @ 135, no scaling!
deadlift 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rest 3:00
go heavy but keep an absolute straight back and good technique (TnG)
build to a max thruster (skip this step if time is an issue, unless you didn't get a max Saturday
amrap thrusters in 6:00 @ 135, no scaling!
A1. weighted dips 2-4 x 6 rest 2:00
A2. weighted strict CHEST TO BAR pullup clusters x 6 rest :15 between reps and 2:00 before going back to dips
Row for time
A. back squat clusters 3.3.3 x4 rest :20 between reps and 3:00 between sets
-go heavy, but no failed reps! these do not have to be eyes popping out of your head squats
(do not go super light on back squats to conserve for the wod)
rest @least 12:00 minutes before starting Karen from the last set of back squats, spend 5-6 of those minutes on the foam roller
A1. mixed grip weighted chin ups 2-3 x4 rest :20 (2 sec negative 1 sec pause at the bottom
A2. 10 CHEST TO BAR pullups x 4 rest 3:00
B. farmer's walk 25m x4 (at LEAST #70 here if you have access to heavier dumbbells use them)
rest 1:00
A. hang power clean 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 2:00
B. power clean + 3 pushPRESS Rest 3:00 x4
A1. mixed grip weighted chin ups 2-3 x4 rest :20 (2 sec negative 1 sec pause at the bottom
A2. 10 CHEST TO BAR pullups x 4 rest 3:00
A. build to a tough squat clean in 8:00 AFTER a good warm up
rest 2:00
B. AMRAP 90% of A for 4:00
rest 2:00
C. AMRAP 80% of B for 4:00
airdyne sprints :45 sec
rest 4:15 x 5
A. hang power clean 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 2:00
B. power clean + 3 pushPRESS Rest 3:00 x4
A1. mixed grip weighted chin ups 2-3 x4 rest :20 (2 sec negative 1 sec pause at the bottom
A2. 10 CHEST TO BAR pullups x 4 rest 3:00
A. build to a tough squat clean in 8:00 AFTER a good warm up
rest 2:00
B. AMRAP 90% of A for 4:00
rest 2:00
C. AMRAP 80% of B for 4:00
airdyne sprints :45 sec
rest 4:15 x 5