A. Work to a high box jump 10:00 from a dead stop
B. Work to a med/light TnG set of 5 power snatch #135 cap 2-3 sets
C. Work to a med/light TnG set of 5 deadlifts #255 cap 2-3 sets
4 sets
5 TnG power snatch
5 burpees AFAP
150m run
rest 4:00
increase load each set. heavy with form must be TnG
4 sets
5 TnG deadlifts
5 burpees AFAP
200m row
Rest 4:00
increase load each set. heavy with perfect back and try not to bounce
A. front squat 3-4 x3 rest 4:00 3 sec neg and 3 sec pause at top between reps
B. 1 arm DB row knee and arm on bench 4-7 reps with 2 sec neg x3 rest :45 between arms
10 thrusters #135
2 rope climbs
8 thrusters #145
2 rope climbs
6 thr #155
2 rc
4 thr #165
2 rc
2 thr #175
Wed. = off
A. 10 wall walks rest 1:00 x4
B. 10 TGU 5/arm ub then rest :45 x4
C. L-Sit on paralleletts accumulate 3:00
D. 6 muscleups (not necessarily UB) x4 if you are at Comp Class ask about inversions on rings
4 sets
20 double unders
rest 3 deep breaths
10 push press TnG med. load cap #165
rest 3 deep breaths
15 pullups
Rest 3:00
A. hang power snatch w/ 2 sec pause at knee 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 rest :90
B. strict press 10, 5, 3
4 sets
20 double unders
rest 3 deep breaths
10 push press TnG med. load cap #165
rest 3 deep breaths
15 pullups
Rest 3:00
A. FS w/ 3 sec neg and 1 sec pause at top 3, 3, 2, 1 rest 4:00
B. high hang squat clean 1, 1, 1, 1 work to a heavy single by the 4th one
C. bent over single arm db row 6-9/arm x2 rest 1:00 between arms
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees