2. Some of you have asked for an email list. Please reply to comments with your email. (And your results!) Please post any and all PR's
3. The Battle of the Fittest, and the Deep South Shootout are coming up on Aug 31, and Oct 19 & 20. We encourage yall to sign up for local competitions.
A. clean - build to a tough-ish single - speed out of bottom - not a 1RM
B1. BS @ 3 sec neg; 4-5 x 5; rest 20 sec
B2. Weighted Chin Up @ 2sec neg; 1-2 x 5; rest 20 sec
B3. Rope Climb leg legless 2; rest 4 min
x 5
C. AMRAP Barbell Step Ups in 5 min - 33% BS 1RM
Skip A and B1 if you can attend OLY
A. PC TnG x 5 emom - 55% 1RM - 8 min
B. PS TnG x 3 emom - 62% 1RM - 8 min
4 sets: Russian Swing heavy x 10-15
15 ring dips
25 DU's AFAP
rest 2 min
A. Press Cluster @ 12X2; x 6; rest 2 min
3 sets:
10 burpees AFAP
10 toes to bar unbroken AFAP
rest walk 90 sec
3 sets:
20-30 wall balls unbroken
rest 30 sec
AD 20 sec @ 95% effort
rest walk 2 min
A. PowerSn x 1/Sn Bal x 2/OHS x 3
5 sets - moderate effort;
rest 1 min
B1. Thruster x 5/Push Press x 5; rest 2 min x 4
B2. Ring Rows @ 2 sec up and down; 10-15 x 4; rest 2 min
for time:
100 m walking lunges
100 m bear crawl
100 m burpee broad jump
If you attend OLY, skip A
A. PC - 3,2,1 [3,2,1]; rest 3 min
Row 40 sec @ 95-97% (all out crazy ass sprint pace)
rest walk 5 min
x 6