Competitors Class will meet at 8:00 AM Saturday morning.
EMOM 10:00
Snatch Balance + 1 OH squat @ 60% of snatch (no heaving)
3 rounds for reps 1:00 at each movement then 1:00 rest between rounds
Wall Balls
Sumo Deadlift High Pull #75
Box Jump 20"
Push Press #75
Row For Calories
Rest 2 hours then CrossFit NOLA WOD
EMOM 10:00
3 Unbroken Muscle ups
7 Min Max burpees to 6" standing reach with both hands
EMOM 10:00
Snatch Balance + 1 OH squat @ 60% of snatch (no heaving)
3 rounds for reps 1:00 at each movement then 1:00 rest between rounds
Wall Balls
Sumo Deadlift High Pull #75
Box Jump 20"
Push Press #75
Row For Calories
Rest 2 hours then CrossFit NOLA WOD
EMOM 10:00
3 Unbroken Muscle ups
7 Min Max burpees to 6" standing reach with both hands