- I will be gone all week, hanging out in Texas! So text/email/post with premptive questions.
- Feel free to work ahead and do Tues' stuff on Mon if you get into the gym (Midcity only) during reg class time Mon.
- oly either Wed or Fri, whichever you prefer.
-post scores from this week
- miss y'all!
Mon: off unless you want to work ahead
Tues: A1) Front Squat 5x5, rest :10
A2) back squat 5x10, rest :10
A3) BB Walking Lunge 5x24, rest 3min
B) side plank, amsap, 3x per side, rest 1min
C) 30 PERFECT heavy TGU not for time
Wed: off or Oly (no supplemental)
A) jerk balance 5x5, rest :90
B) push jerk 4-6x5, rest :90
C) 15min AMRAP:
3 UB c2b pull-ups, 3 UB ring dips (first scale is to 2/1 ring dips, then to ring dip negatives)
D) 10min amap:
3squat cleans 130lbs (scale if over 90% of 1rm)
3 box jumps 24" (step ups)
Fri: off or oly (no supplemental)
A1) press 8-10x5, rest :30
A2) weighted pull-up cluster @50x1, rest :15, rest 3min
B1) bench press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, rest :10
B2) db incline bench press 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, rest :10
B3) static hs hold amsap, rest 3min
C) bent over supinated bb row @41x2, 4-6x5, rest 2min
A) hspu negatives, 40 reps
B) 7 Burpees Afap
:20 prowler push @100%
Rest 3min
C) 7 UB c2b pull-ups
AD :20 @100%
Rest 3min
D) row sprint :30 @100%
Rest 3min