We want to give you guys as much coaching as possible, so please sign up and attend Competitor Class times Thurs and Sat as much as possible. Also, this week, we are adding a Wednesday Gymnastics Movement Efficiency class with Ryne at 7pm at MidCity. Look for it on Mindbody, and sign up. This week, he will be going over how to link together C2B pull-ups and how to kip ring dips, both important skills for Saturday's WOD.
Oly +
A) TnG Deadlift 10, 8, 6, 4, 2; Rest 3 min
B) Split Jerk, 2 reps ONTM for 10 min at 60%1RM (from boxes or rack)
C) AD :30 @ 100%, Rest 2:30
x8, rest 5 min between sets 4 and 5
A) C2B pull-up and ring dip practice
B) L-sit on rings, accumulate 3 min for time
C) AMRAP 1-5 UB Hang Squat Clean Ladders in 6min (Ryne will explain more in class)
D) 400m Farmers Walk for time; 24kg in each hand
A) Push Press x5/Push Jerk x5/Split Jerk x1; Rest 3 min, 6 complexes
B) Weighted Pull-ups, 1-2x6; Rest 3 min
C) Bent Over Barbell Row, 4-6x5; Rest 2 min
D) Weighted Ring Dips, 2-3x5; Rest 2min
Oly or off
A) 50 Back Squat for time, 70% 1RM
B) 20min AMRAP:
5 C2B Pull-ups
5 Ring Dips
5 GHD Sit-ups
Run 200n