Run Club w/Coach Brandon: Meet at 630 at Jefferson Playground. Bring a watch and sign up on MindBody! If raining, class will meet at Crossfit NOLA 504.
Warm Up:
400m Run
20 Lunging Pass thrus
THEN: (10 min)
10 wall squats
10 banded side steps, each way
10 GHR
10 KB swings
3 wall climbs
Hip/Shoulder Mobility (5 mins)
Strength: Thruster
If last week was successful, add 5 to 10 lbs. If this is your first time, warm up with a weight you can complete the set with a dynamic range of motion. When the set becomes slow, do two more sets at that same weight.
Overhead squat 95/65lb
Run Club w/Coach Brandon: Meet at 630 at Jefferson Playground. Bring a watch and sign up on MindBody! If raining, class will meet at Crossfit NOLA 504.
Warm Up:
400m Run
20 Lunging Pass thrus
THEN: (10 min)
10 wall squats
10 banded side steps, each way
10 GHR
10 KB swings
3 wall climbs
Hip/Shoulder Mobility (5 mins)
Strength: Thruster
If last week was successful, add 5 to 10 lbs. If this is your first time, warm up with a weight you can complete the set with a dynamic range of motion. When the set becomes slow, do two more sets at that same weight.
Overhead squat 95/65lb