Please read the post below about the new price changes! Must submit request before February 1st. Thanks!!!
If you want Mid City to be your primary gym, also let us know. Many of you are still primary members of NOLA, with a 504 trial membership, the free 504 trial membership will no longer be active. Just shoot an email to [email protected] and advise if 504 will be your primary gym. Also, until we get additional classes open at 504 we will give you a small number of classes to use uptown
Warm Up:
Double under Flights: 3 min
10 Wall Squats
Couch Stretch 1 min each leg
10 Jump Squats
Small/Med/Large Arm Circle cycle (10 reps each) forward/back
10 Overhead Squats/bar
Strength: Front Squat
Find 1 rep max
Between sets do mobility: Squat in bands/ Lat stretch w/bands
WOD: (20 min cap)
For Time
40 lunges
30 Thrusters 65/45lb
30 pull-ups
40 lunges
30 Thrusters 65/45lb
30 Pull-ups
Warm Up:
Double under Flights: 3 min
10 Wall Squats
Couch Stretch 1 min each leg
10 Jump Squats
Small/Med/Large Arm Circle cycle (10 reps each) forward/back
10 Overhead Squats/bar
Strength: Front Squat
Find 1 rep max
Between sets do mobility: Squat in bands/ Lat stretch w/bands
WOD: (20 min cap)
For Time
40 lunges
30 Thrusters 65/45lb
30 pull-ups
40 lunges
30 Thrusters 65/45lb
30 Pull-ups