Happy Valentine's Day!
Run Club: 630 pm at Jefferson Playground off River Road. Bring a watch and sign up on MindBody.
If raining, meet at NOLA 504 (540 N. Cortez)
Warm Up:
14 kb swings
14 Tw0-fers
4 muscle up drills
4 ring dips
14 leg swings, each leg
4 muscle up drills
4 ring dips
Skill: 10 minutes, Upside down practice
On the minute for 10 minutes: your choice for reps: Wall climbs, shoulder touches, handstand holds
free standing holds, handstand walk
WOD: (35 minute cut off)
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
9 Muscle-ups Adv. Scale 9 CTB pullups, 9 Ring Dips
(no muscle up drill substitutions)
Intermediate: 4 rounds
Scale 9 Strict Pullups, 9 ring, box or bar dips
Beginner : 3 rounds
Lucas Zepeda 24:39, Russ Greene 25:44. Post time to comments