CrossFit NOLA is ranked 21st in the South Central Region after this weekend of the 2012 Crossfit Games. The top 30 teams compete at the South Central Regional competition in April!
Congratulations to MANY personal records this weekend! Noted performances come from Hillary Seay who scored 61 points having a 1 rep pr @ 100lb snatch! Not including coaches and intern scores, Andrea Germond and Hillary tied for the top score in the gym (61) along with Ben Diachiara and Mark Opelka with scores of 71!
Great job to Phil Claverie for an impressive split snatch in the last 3 seconds for a score of 61 points! A similar story goes to Jeff Colon who first rolled the bar over his face, then for an incredible last minute 165lb snatch!
Heart warming attempts go to Mitch Lartigue who had his own personal cheerleading section, Stephen Crim, and Karla Vidalia.
Another noted AMMMMMAAAZING performance goes to Rae Shih with a high score of 81 points! I have never seen Rae move so quickly and I was truly inspired by this performance. Great job Rae!!!
Congrats also goes to Liz Carrier who helped push the women's scores with a torn rotator cuff! (74 well deserved points!) Kelsey Moran scored an impressive 71 points.
Congratulations to ALL who performed this weekend!! You are an inspiration to all of us!!!
Warm up:
Run 400 (run 200 easy, 200 fast)
6 minute continuous interval (50 secs on, 10 secs rotate)
1 minute: kettlebell ( go heavy)
1 minute: sit ups/ghd (adv)
1 minute: Double unders/singles
1 minute: Dead bugs
1 minute: hand release push ups
1 minute: Plank hold
Skill: Toes to Bar
Tabata (4 mins- 20 secs on, 10 secs off)
Try choosing a number to hold onto for each interval.
Mobility: 5 mins: coaches choice
WOD: 30 minute cut off
8 rounds
10 burpees
15 Jumping alternating lunges
20 double unders (60 singles)
25 yard Shuttle sprint (5x5yds)
Rest 90 secs