Warm Up:
400m Run
10 Dynamic leg swings/ left and right leg, forward and back
20 double unders (60 singles)
20 Kettlebell Swings, unbroken
10 jump squats AHAP
200m sprint
1 Minute- L hang or L-tuck
15 sec rest
1 Minute - Flutter Kicks
15 sec rest
1 Minute - Hollow Rock
15 sec rest
1 Minute - Reverse Plank
(facing upward, rest on elbows, fists, and heels and raise belly into a plank hold.)
If shoulder mobility is not allowing you to raise your hips with elbows on ground, you may reverse plank on hands with hips up.
Skill: 10 Minutes inverted
On the minute every minute for 10 minutes, choose handstand holds, shoulder touches, wall climbs, handstand walks, frog stands, etc.
WOD: (20 min)
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards