Congratualations to everyone who competed in the Open this year!! It was awesome to see everyone push themselves and in the process achieve a few personal goals!
After today we will know the standings of our individual and team competitors!
Regionals will be held in San Antonio, TX, Friday thru Sunday, April 27, 28 and 29th. If you are interested in going as a spectator, please comment in the box above, or email Mollie at [email protected]. As soon as they announce hotel rooms I'd like to block off a number of rooms, so I'd like to get a general count in the next few days!Monday
Warm Up:
2 rounds
Row 10 long pulls
10 jump squats
Run 100m
Mobility: 5 minutes
Strength: Deadlift
Start 75 percent and build
WOD: For Max Calories and Reps
Row 3 minutes
Deadlift 3 minutes 275/185lb (about 85% of 1 rep max)
There is no rest between the row and the deadlift. Your total workout is 6 minutes. Your deadlift time begins immediately after the row. Score is Calories Rowed and number of completed deadlifts with good form.
Group A: Minute 1-6
Group B: Minute 4-10
Group C: Minute 8-14
Group D: Minute 12-18
Group E: Minute 16-22