Powerlifting Fundamentals, tonight 6pm at MidCity
Boxing/striking canceled today, sorry for the inconvenience
Warm Up
Row 250m
10 pullups
10 pushups
20 KB swings
Strength: Shoulder Press
Do a set you can complete 8 to 10 reps with good form. Record weight.
WOD: 25 minute cutoff
Run 400m
3 Rounds of Barbell Complex 135lb/95lb
(5 deadlifts, 5 power cleans, 5 push jerk = 1 round)
Run 400m
2 Rounds of Barbell Complex
Run 400m
1 Round of Barbell Complex
100 double unders (300 singles)
Boxing/striking canceled today, sorry for the inconvenience
Warm Up
Row 250m
10 pullups
10 pushups
20 KB swings
Strength: Shoulder Press
Do a set you can complete 8 to 10 reps with good form. Record weight.
WOD: 25 minute cutoff
Run 400m
3 Rounds of Barbell Complex 135lb/95lb
(5 deadlifts, 5 power cleans, 5 push jerk = 1 round)
Run 400m
2 Rounds of Barbell Complex
Run 400m
1 Round of Barbell Complex
100 double unders (300 singles)