Run Club 630PM: Jefferson Playground- sign up on Mindbody and bring a watch!
Warm Up:
5 rounds
30 sec KB swings
30 sec rest
5 min MOB
3 sets
10 strict pullups or L-pullups
10 dips
90 sec rest
WOD: For time
400m run
100KB swings 2 pood/1.5 pood
150 walking lunges
400m run
Run Club 630PM: Jefferson Playground- sign up on Mindbody and bring a watch!
Warm Up:
5 rounds
30 sec KB swings
30 sec rest
5 min MOB
3 sets
10 strict pullups or L-pullups
10 dips
90 sec rest
WOD: For time
400m run
100KB swings 2 pood/1.5 pood
150 walking lunges
400m run