Run Club 630PM, Jefferson Playground. Bring a watch and sign up on mindbody.
Learn proper technique with running drills and interval training. Improve endurance and wod times.
Warm Up:
500m Row
5 wall climbs
Strength: Pullups/Dips
Test: Do one max set of Strict pullups
rest 2 minutes
Test: Do one max set of Strict Dips or Pushups
Clean drills w/Bar
2x5 Back Squat and press
2x5 Front squats
1x3 shrug on toes w/drop
2x3 position clean/ add weight on second set
Row 500m TT
Rest 2 mins
Then 3 rounds
10 power cleans 135/85lb
12 ring dips
Run Club 630PM, Jefferson Playground. Bring a watch and sign up on mindbody.
Learn proper technique with running drills and interval training. Improve endurance and wod times.
Warm Up:
500m Row
5 wall climbs
Strength: Pullups/Dips
Test: Do one max set of Strict pullups
rest 2 minutes
Test: Do one max set of Strict Dips or Pushups
Clean drills w/Bar
2x5 Back Squat and press
2x5 Front squats
1x3 shrug on toes w/drop
2x3 position clean/ add weight on second set
Row 500m TT
Rest 2 mins
Then 3 rounds
10 power cleans 135/85lb
12 ring dips