630PM Run Club: Meet at Jefferson Playground. BRING A WATCH and sign up on Mind Body.
Come learn proper run technique through drills and interval training. Help your endurance and better WOD times!
3 minutes Double under flights
Increments of 5, 2 or 1
1 length Centipede w/ pushup
1 length lunging pass thrus
5 minutes MOB
Strength: Pushups
4 sets @65 % of max reps
If last week was not successful, repeat last weeks set of 3 sets at 70 percent max reps
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
30 double unders (sub 90 singles)
20 Toes to bar
30 double unders
400m Run
Rest 1 minute between rounds
630PM Run Club: Meet at Jefferson Playground. BRING A WATCH and sign up on Mind Body.
Come learn proper run technique through drills and interval training. Help your endurance and better WOD times!
3 minutes Double under flights
Increments of 5, 2 or 1
1 length Centipede w/ pushup
1 length lunging pass thrus
5 minutes MOB
Strength: Pushups
4 sets @65 % of max reps
If last week was not successful, repeat last weeks set of 3 sets at 70 percent max reps
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
30 double unders (sub 90 singles)
20 Toes to bar
30 double unders
400m Run
Rest 1 minute between rounds