Run Club: 630PM: Meet at Jefferson Playground and bring a watch!
Warm Up:
Run 800m
20 banded side steps
20 banded good mornings
15 jump squats
Strength: Back Squat
Find a weight you can do a heavy set of 8 to 10 reps with good form. Do two warm up sets, minimum.
WOD: "Fran"
Thruster 95/65lb
SeeFit Road to the Cure is coming tomorrow!
Check out the nationwide leaderboard
Run Club: 630PM: Meet at Jefferson Playground and bring a watch!
Warm Up:
Run 800m
20 banded side steps
20 banded good mornings
15 jump squats
Strength: Back Squat
Find a weight you can do a heavy set of 8 to 10 reps with good form. Do two warm up sets, minimum.
WOD: "Fran"
Thruster 95/65lb
SeeFit Road to the Cure is coming tomorrow!
Check out the nationwide leaderboard