All classes canceled at Mid City until probably Monday at the earliest. No Power and a giant hole in the roof still. You can sign up for the Uptown Classes. We are having 630am, 730am, noon , 430pm and 530pm Friday.
Warm Up:
Run 400
15 KB swings
15 situps or ghd (adv)
15 supermans or back ext (adv)
GOAT: 10 min
Choose a skill you can do 1-3 reps on the min for 10 min.
WOD: 7 rounds
7 Thrusters 95/65lb
7 Ring Pushups
If you can't do 20 Strict Pushups with no band, do not do ring pushups. Use bands if needed.
All classes canceled at Mid City until probably Monday at the earliest. No Power and a giant hole in the roof still. You can sign up for the Uptown Classes. We are having 630am, 730am, noon , 430pm and 530pm Friday.
Warm Up:
Run 400
15 KB swings
15 situps or ghd (adv)
15 supermans or back ext (adv)
GOAT: 10 min
Choose a skill you can do 1-3 reps on the min for 10 min.
WOD: 7 rounds
7 Thrusters 95/65lb
7 Ring Pushups
If you can't do 20 Strict Pushups with no band, do not do ring pushups. Use bands if needed.