We have 39 Wholelife Challengers signed up! Challenge begins in less than 2 weeks, if you are on the fence about it, talk to a coach! There will be people from this group who are going to have ridiculous results, join them!
Wednesday- wear knees highs or long pants (rope climb)
Warm Up:
2 rounds
250m row
2 wall walks
1 rope climb
Strength: HSPU - 10 mins
ADV: 1-3 reps EMOM plates or parallettes
INT/BEG Every other minute for 10 mins 1-3 reps with bands pushups/hspu/kicking up practice
3 rounds
50 double unders
Run 400m
Wednesday- wear knees highs or long pants (rope climb)
Warm Up:
2 rounds
250m row
2 wall walks
1 rope climb
Strength: HSPU - 10 mins
ADV: 1-3 reps EMOM plates or parallettes
INT/BEG Every other minute for 10 mins 1-3 reps with bands pushups/hspu/kicking up practice
3 rounds
50 double unders
Run 400m