10:00am, Group WOD
Warm Up
Run 400 or Row 500
2 rounds
30 second sampson stretch each side
10 pull ups
10 back extensions
15 second L sit
in teams of 2 or 3
10 rounds of:
5 over box jumps
10 kettlebell swings
5 over box jumps
5 thrusters
11:00am, Competitor's Class
Be warmed up and ready to go at 11! We will start with the Burgener Warm up at 11!
10:00am, Group WOD
Warm Up
Run 400 or Row 500
2 rounds
30 second sampson stretch each side
10 pull ups
10 back extensions
15 second L sit
in teams of 2 or 3
10 rounds of:
5 over box jumps
10 kettlebell swings
5 over box jumps
5 thrusters
11:00am, Competitor's Class
Be warmed up and ready to go at 11! We will start with the Burgener Warm up at 11!