Warm Up:
2 rounds
Row 250
7 Perfect Pushups
Strength: Strict Pullups, Varied Grips
Advanced, as slow as possible and/or with added weight
INT/BEG, with partners or Ring Rows- NO BANDS
1x5 Wide Grip Pronated
1x5 Medium Grip Pronated
1x5 Narrow Grip Pronated
1x5 Suppinated
1 minute on, 1 minute off for 10 minutes
Max Unbroken Kettlebell Swings-- Russian, Power or American Swings
ADV 2/1.5 pood
INT/BEG 1.5/1 pood or >
Go only as high as lumbar curve is not sacrificed.
Penalty: If you put the kettle bell down before any minute is up, the ENTIRE CLASS will do 10 burpees for each minute unbroken at the end of the workout. Max penatly: 50 burpees
Warm Up:
2 rounds
Row 250
7 Perfect Pushups
Strength: Strict Pullups, Varied Grips
Advanced, as slow as possible and/or with added weight
INT/BEG, with partners or Ring Rows- NO BANDS
1x5 Wide Grip Pronated
1x5 Medium Grip Pronated
1x5 Narrow Grip Pronated
1x5 Suppinated
1 minute on, 1 minute off for 10 minutes
Max Unbroken Kettlebell Swings-- Russian, Power or American Swings
ADV 2/1.5 pood
INT/BEG 1.5/1 pood or >
Go only as high as lumbar curve is not sacrificed.
Penalty: If you put the kettle bell down before any minute is up, the ENTIRE CLASS will do 10 burpees for each minute unbroken at the end of the workout. Max penatly: 50 burpees