Warm up:
4x 100m run w/ 3 pushups
1 length lunging pass thrus
10 overhead squat/pvc
Strength: Pullup Negatives
3x5 Negatives as slow as possible
ADV: may use weight if you have been successful during preceding weeks
BEG: 3x3 if major soreness has occured or 3x5 ring row negatives
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
10 burpee Box jumps 30/24 in
10 OHS 135/95
Warm up:
4x 100m run w/ 3 pushups
1 length lunging pass thrus
10 overhead squat/pvc
Strength: Pullup Negatives
3x5 Negatives as slow as possible
ADV: may use weight if you have been successful during preceding weeks
BEG: 3x3 if major soreness has occured or 3x5 ring row negatives
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
10 burpee Box jumps 30/24 in
10 OHS 135/95