Tuesday- ROPE CLIMB (wear long pants or long socks!!!)
Run Club: meet at Jefferson playground 630pm. Sign up on mind body and BRING A WATCH.
Warm up:
10 burpees
10 wall squats
1 length lunging pass thrus
1 length duck walk/10 sots press
Strength: Squat Snatch
EMOM for 7 min @ 70-75% of 1 RM
1 High Hang Snatch
1 Snatch
12 Squat Clean Thruster 75/55lb
3 rope climb
12 Squat Clean Thruster
2 rope climb
12 Squat Clean Thruster
1 rope climb
Sub 5 jumping pullups or towel jumps for each rope climb
Run Club: meet at Jefferson playground 630pm. Sign up on mind body and BRING A WATCH.
Warm up:
10 burpees
10 wall squats
1 length lunging pass thrus
1 length duck walk/10 sots press
Strength: Squat Snatch
EMOM for 7 min @ 70-75% of 1 RM
1 High Hang Snatch
1 Snatch
12 Squat Clean Thruster 75/55lb
3 rope climb
12 Squat Clean Thruster
2 rope climb
12 Squat Clean Thruster
1 rope climb
Sub 5 jumping pullups or towel jumps for each rope climb