Run Club!! 630pm, Meet at Jefferson Playground. Bring a watch and sign up on Mindbody!
Warm up:
Run 400m
10 wall squats
1 length lunging pass-thrus
2 lengths duck walk
Deadlifts (using 90% of 1RM + 10 lbs)
5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5+ @ 85%
1 Bear complex every 3 minutes for 4 sets (12 min total)
Adding weight each round: Start Light!!!
1 complex = BEG: 3x of the sequence below without letting go of the bar
INT: 5x of the sequence below without letting go of the bar
ADV: 7x of the sequence below without letting go of the bar1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press from shoulders
Run Club!! 630pm, Meet at Jefferson Playground. Bring a watch and sign up on Mindbody!
Warm up:
Run 400m
10 wall squats
1 length lunging pass-thrus
2 lengths duck walk
Deadlifts (using 90% of 1RM + 10 lbs)
5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5+ @ 85%
1 Bear complex every 3 minutes for 4 sets (12 min total)
Adding weight each round: Start Light!!!
1 complex = BEG: 3x of the sequence below without letting go of the bar
INT: 5x of the sequence below without letting go of the bar
ADV: 7x of the sequence below without letting go of the bar1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press from shoulders