Warm Up:
Run 400m
10 Scap activations
Mobility: Hips/Ankles
Strength: Strict Pullups: TEST
ADV: Do one max set
Int/ Beg: Max strict set with smallest band possible
Then: 3x5 Negatives
May use band
WOD: Test
3 rounds of "Kelly"
400m Run
30 Box Jumps: Step down required 24/20
30 Wall balls 20/14lb
Warm Up:
Run 400m
10 Scap activations
Mobility: Hips/Ankles
Strength: Strict Pullups: TEST
ADV: Do one max set
Int/ Beg: Max strict set with smallest band possible
Then: 3x5 Negatives
May use band
WOD: Test
3 rounds of "Kelly"
400m Run
30 Box Jumps: Step down required 24/20
30 Wall balls 20/14lb