Run Club, 630pm: Meet at Jefferson Playground and bring a watch!
Warm Up:
Row 500m
20 Banded Good Mornings
10 Roll Ups
Strength: Back Squat
Deloading week:
Using 90 percent of your 1 RM:
3x5 @ 50 %
Work on being explosive out of the bottom with good form.
WOD: 3 rounds
21 Wall Balls 20lb/14lb
100m Farmer's walk or Waiter's walk using 2 kettlebells or dumbells
Run Club, 630pm: Meet at Jefferson Playground and bring a watch!
Warm Up:
Row 500m
20 Banded Good Mornings
10 Roll Ups
Strength: Back Squat
Deloading week:
Using 90 percent of your 1 RM:
3x5 @ 50 %
Work on being explosive out of the bottom with good form.
WOD: 3 rounds
21 Wall Balls 20lb/14lb
100m Farmer's walk or Waiter's walk using 2 kettlebells or dumbells