There will be a 1pm open gym will be at midcity (540 N Cortez) today. Open gym uptown will end at 2:30 pm sharp
Run Club: Meet Uptown 6:30PM and Bring a Watch!
Warm up:
2 rounds
60 sec jump rope singles
10 no push-up burpees
Beg - 4 x 5 partner assisted
Int - 4 x 5 strict
Adv - 4 x 8 strict
3 x 5 front squats (fast, from the ground) with 2 min rest between sets
Then immediately:
5 x 3 high box jumps with 1 min rest between sets
There will be a 1pm open gym will be at midcity (540 N Cortez) today. Open gym uptown will end at 2:30 pm sharp
Run Club: Meet Uptown 6:30PM and Bring a Watch!
Warm up:
2 rounds
60 sec jump rope singles
10 no push-up burpees
Beg - 4 x 5 partner assisted
Int - 4 x 5 strict
Adv - 4 x 8 strict
3 x 5 front squats (fast, from the ground) with 2 min rest between sets
Then immediately:
5 x 3 high box jumps with 1 min rest between sets