Please note that the Mon/Wed Powerlifting Schedule has changed. Class times are now 8pm at 504/MidCity.
New OLY class, Monday 830am, Uptown
We have been advised that there are still some issues with signing up for the WLC. You will have to wait until later this week when we confirm that everything is working correctly. The link has been removed for now, please do not attempt to sing up until we hear otherwise, sorry for the confusion.
Warm Up:2 rounds
200m run
10 jump squats
20 pass-thrus
3 x 5 Unbroken Thrusters
3 Rounds for total reps
1 min max effort burpee box jumps
1 min ME chest-to-bar pull-ups
1 min dumbbell ground-to-overhead (50/35lb)
1 min rest
On Saturday, Sam Baker competed at the Louisiana State power lifting meet. She Went 7 for 9 on attempts, squatted 285, benched 175 and deadlifted 335! She placed 1st in her division and won most outstanding female raw lifter. Yay Sam!
New OLY class, Monday 830am, Uptown
We have been advised that there are still some issues with signing up for the WLC. You will have to wait until later this week when we confirm that everything is working correctly. The link has been removed for now, please do not attempt to sing up until we hear otherwise, sorry for the confusion.
Warm Up:2 rounds
200m run
10 jump squats
20 pass-thrus
3 x 5 Unbroken Thrusters
3 Rounds for total reps
1 min max effort burpee box jumps
1 min ME chest-to-bar pull-ups
1 min dumbbell ground-to-overhead (50/35lb)
1 min rest
On Saturday, Sam Baker competed at the Louisiana State power lifting meet. She Went 7 for 9 on attempts, squatted 285, benched 175 and deadlifted 335! She placed 1st in her division and won most outstanding female raw lifter. Yay Sam!