All Classes Canceled today...Happy Mardi Gras!
Mollie and Josh will be walking with the Louisiana Philharmonic during the Zulu parade so look out for them! Rayfield is in Zulu on float 19, neutral ground side on top.Any others of you in parades? please write in comments box!!
Want your WOD times to get faster?
Join Brandon and Mollie every Tuesday night! Do a one mile time trial today or sometime this week. You will use this time for future workouts. We will be focusing on interval training which is vital in endurance training.
Record your fastest one mile and bring that info with you. Be at Jefferson Playground next Tuesday at 630 pm to learn how to run more efficiently!
Mollie and Josh will be walking with the Louisiana Philharmonic during the Zulu parade so look out for them! Rayfield is in Zulu on float 19, neutral ground side on top.Any others of you in parades? please write in comments box!!
Want your WOD times to get faster?
Join Brandon and Mollie every Tuesday night! Do a one mile time trial today or sometime this week. You will use this time for future workouts. We will be focusing on interval training which is vital in endurance training.
Record your fastest one mile and bring that info with you. Be at Jefferson Playground next Tuesday at 630 pm to learn how to run more efficiently!