The spring challenge starts on February 16th. This is the Saturday after Mardi Gras, the perfect time to get a jump start on diet, exercise, and moblity! This challenge will be run similarly to the last one with similar rules and reporting requirements. Full details will be announced soon but we want to get you thinking about this.
In short, you should do this! Talk to some of the participants who played last year. (Winners: Matt D., Jonas, James W., Erin O, Louise T, Kim B) The amount of inches lost and overall life improvement is staggering! It will be another great experience and there will be prizes involved! Registration should be open on January 18th. Talk to your coaches if you have any questions about this.
We have been advised that there are still some issues with signing up... you will have to wait until later this week when we confirm that everthing is working correctly. The link has been removed for now, please do not attempt to sing up until we say ok!
The link is not active, the site will become more and more populated as the challenge start date draws closer
In short, you should do this! Talk to some of the participants who played last year. (Winners: Matt D., Jonas, James W., Erin O, Louise T, Kim B) The amount of inches lost and overall life improvement is staggering! It will be another great experience and there will be prizes involved! Registration should be open on January 18th. Talk to your coaches if you have any questions about this.
We have been advised that there are still some issues with signing up... you will have to wait until later this week when we confirm that everthing is working correctly. The link has been removed for now, please do not attempt to sing up until we say ok!
The link is not active, the site will become more and more populated as the challenge start date draws closer