Gym will open at 8 am. If you are not participating in WOD Wars and need to get a workout in, you have from 8 am to 9 am for open gym hours, just be sure to pick up after yourself
WOD #1a:
For both scaled and Rx. Each team will have two barbells (one women’s barbell):
8min to find a 1RM:
- Power clean + front squat OR
- squat clean
Score is weight
RX: Men: Max MU in one minute, women max pull-ups (all team members
working at once) (If woman does MU instead, score is 5x)
Scaled: Max pull-ups accumulated in 1min (all team members working at
once, women can use green band, no band for men) (If woman can do unbanded pull-ups, score is 5x)
Score is reps
AMRAP 15min
For RX:
60 Thrusters (95/65) (one team member working at a time)
200 DUs (one team member working at a time)
8x shuttle run (all team members at once)
For scaled:
45 Thrusters (75/45)
45 Box Jumps (20/16)
8x50 shuttle run (all team members at once)
Score is reps (one round equals 268 reps for RX and 98 for scaled)
2b) Max distance broad jump, 3 attempts
Score is distance in inches
One team member at a time:
5min AMRAP:
10 DL (185/125)
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
5min AMRAP:
10 DL (135/85)
10 Burpees
10 Russian KBS (24/16)
Score is reps (one round equals 30 reps)